We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Director’s Summary

Impact Report 2023-24

Introduction from Eve Dewsnap, Director

I am proud to share the Active Norfolk Impact Report with you, for the year 2023/24. 

This report is a testament to our commitment to ‘Getting Norfolk Moving’, showcasing stories and videos that highlight our strategic priorities in action.

This year’s report showcases the breadth and depth of work taking place to support more of Norfolk’s residents to be more physically active.  It also highlights the commitment of our partners and stakeholders to working together to create an active Norfolk for everyone’s health and wellbeing. 

Our focus remains on addressing health inequalities, targeting our efforts towards those who stand to gain the most from increased physical activity. This is evident across our four priority themes; Health, Children and Young People, Communities and Environment.

Some of our highlight in the last financial year include:

Please explore our Impact Report site to see what has been achieved over the past year and to find out more about the brilliant stakeholders and partners we’re privileged to work with.

Looking ahead, we’re excited about the opportunities that Sport England’s new Place Expansion initiative will bring to our locality work in Great Yarmouth and King’s Lynn & West Norfolk. We’re committed to deepening our understanding of the inequalities within our communities and working collaboratively to co-design solutions. Here’s to another year of progress and impact.

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