We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

System Leadership: Locality

Our Locality Approach

Across the county, we have huge variations in landscape and population. Each district shows significant differences in demographics, income levels, health and more. It is essential to us that our approach to enabling communities to experience the benefits of a healthy and active life is tailored to the unique circumstances of each district within Norfolk. This is what we refer to as our locality approach.

This approach allows us to work collaboratively with local government and health and social care to create dedicated capacity in each local authority district. It is our belief that this capacity will drive the development and implementation of local plans to improve lives through physical activity and sport.

Norfolk skyline

Funding amount into districts

The breakdown of funding per district is as follows.


invested into South Norfolk in total (£)


invested into Broadland in total (£)


invested into North Norfolk in total (£)


invested into Great Yarmouth in total (£)


invested into King’s Lynn & West Norfolk in total (£)


invested into Norwich in total (£)


invested into Breckland in total (£)

Impact Summary and Results

Over the last 12 months, we have focussed on 4 key priority areas. These are as follows:

  • Growing and sustaining the team
  • Strengthening place-based relationships
  • Designing workplans to support local need
  • Funding distribution across Norfolk counties.

Find out more about each of these priority areas and the progress we’ve made below.

The locality team grew from 4 members of staff to 8 during the 2022/23 year. New jointly funded posts were agreed with Breckland, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and North Norfolk councils, with 3 new members of staff joining the team in May 2022. The team also added a Workforce Development Officer in January 2023. This post will work closely with the locality officers to ensure that Active Norfolk is able to tailor workforce development needs to place-based priorities. 

Great Yarmouth, Norwich and South Norfolk and Broadland Councils all extended their jointly funded arrangements with us in 2024 and beyond, showing continued commitment to Active Norfolk’s place-based way of working and supporting physical activity as a means of addressing local priorities. 

Our locality officers continue to build strong place-based relationships that support their work and the work of key partners across the County. Partners include District Council departments, Norfolk County Council, Public Health, NHS, Police, Multi-faith organisations, VCSE organisations, physical activity providers and many more. The locality officer role helps to bridge the gap between these organisations and supports weaving physical activity into policy, strategy, and delivery across a breadth of partners. 

Stronger relationships and a greater understanding of each place has given the locality team the opportunity to design bespoke interventions for each of the Districts in the County. These ‘Framework for Action’ documents set out the key priorities in each place based on objective evidence and subjective experience from the people that live and work there. These priorities allow Active Norfolk to focus its work on where physical activity can be best used as a tool to improve outcomes for residents. Underpinning each Framework for Action is a clear action plan that will guide Active Norfolk’s work for the future. 

To order to support the bespoke Framework for Action in each place, the Locality Team can access a series of funding pots that provide much needed funds. During 2022/23, the team leveraged £2,195,082 in to place via the Together Fund, Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme, Opening Schools Facilities Fund and the Active NoW project. This funding has a direct impact on local communities and is specifically tailored to meet local need.  

A map of our locality work

This map shows our biggest projects across Norfolk and how we’ve distributed funding within these areas.