We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Active Norfolk to support schools with government funding for school sport & physical activity

Active Norfolk enthusiastically welcome the government’s pledge to fund school sport and physical activity. This will enable more young people to access opportunities to be physically active.

As part of our funded role, we are here to support schools and education settings to use these opportunities to make a significant difference in improving the lives of their pupils, allowing them to FLOURISH.

“This is an exciting opportunity to work even more collaboratively with schools across the county. This two-year funding commitment is unprecedented and offers a fantastic opportunity to make a real impact to young people’s experiences of physical activity.”

Simon Hamilton, Interim Director of Active Norfolk

What can we expect from the government?

It has been announced that the government have committed to the following:

Further announcements: Opening Schools Facilities and Ofsted

Active Norfolk are supporting settings to access the newly announced Opening School Facilities programme in Norfolk. There is up to £1m of funding available in the Norfolk area for 2023-2025. This will facilitate the opening up of more school facilities outside of curriculum hours. It is hoped this will especially target girls, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs.

We also eagerly await an Ofsted report into PE which will be published in the coming months. This report will inform future inspections and set out what Ofsted believe is possible. This will focus on high quality physical activity opportunities in education, both in and outside of the PE curriculum.

We know that happy, healthy children are more likely to FLOURISH. Physical activity can help tackle issues like behaviour, attendance, anxiety, confidence and self-esteem, concentration levels and social skills. These are all things that worry us about those most vulnerable.

How can Active Norfolk help you?

We would love to have a discussion with you on how we can support your school.

Jo Thompson, Development Officer for Education has dedicated and funded capacity to help schools. She can do this through advice, guidance and training, as well as signposting and bespoke support.

This is not just to help improve PE and School Sport. It can also help schools identify how they can meet the needs of pupils at risk of an unhealthy lifestyle.

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Contact our Children and Young People team

For an informal conversation on how physical activity can support your school, get in touch.

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